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30 years ago I dreamed of supporting families in countries less fortunate than our own.


We have so many countries throughout the world where people simply don't get the same opportunities as we do here at home!


The journey of support has begun, but it's an almighty and never ending journey!


This journey is driven by the understanding that, almost at our front door, people just like us don't get basic life opportunities!


Our driving force is simple - they are people just like you and me.

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Along with our major supporting partner Bali Caring Community (BCC), a voluntary organisation in Bali, I have taken on the task of improving the lives of as many underprivileged Balinese families as we can. These are families who have nothing but are beautiful people who just need a chance in life. They are, in almost all situations, families who actually work for a living, but where the income level is so low that they simply don't get a chance at a better life.


As well as financial assistance, our organisation is providing hands-on support to ensure basic family needs are met, like schooling for children, basic housing, a cow or pig to increase income opportunities, a pushbike to get to school, toys for the kids to create fun, or even a mattress to sleep on - anything that gives these families a chance of a better life!


We want to not only be a helping hand, but to teach these hard working families that they really do have a chance in life!


You will be able to follow the journey of support through not only this page, but our Facebook and Instagram! Please connect with us through the links at the bottom of this page.


However, I ask you, are you willing to join us on the journey?

Together we can really make a a difference! 


Yours Faithfully,

Grant Wills

Founder of Bali Family Projects Ltd


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